Jaap Kastelein, Michiel Oldenkamp, Philip Sparke (* 1951)

Play Your Favourite Songs

Look, Listen and Learn

J. Kastelein: Play Your Favourite Songs, Hrn (0)J. Kastelein: Play Your Favourite Songs, Hrn (1)J. Kastelein: Play Your Favourite Songs, Hrn (2)J. Kastelein: Play Your Favourite Songs, Hrn (3)
Tipo de produto:
Livro de partituras
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
muito fácilfácil
24 Páginas
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:


A fantastic collection of well-known tunes from traditional to classical. The pieces have been ordered by level of difficulty and are designed to correspond with the Look, Listen and Learn method book 1. These melodies are also suitable for use with any method book as additional solo material.

14,99  €
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (Portugal)
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