Fritz Kreisler (1875 – 1962)

Liebesfreud - Liebesleid

aus den Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen

F. Kreisler: Liebesfreud - Liebesleid , VaKlv (0)F. Kreisler: Liebesfreud - Liebesleid , VaKlv (1)F. Kreisler: Liebesfreud - Liebesleid , VaKlv (2)
Viola, piano
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
22 Páginas
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
ED0 9787


Apart from the collection of 'Classical Manuscripts' composed by Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962) and passed off by him as transcriptions of movements by old masters, the violonist published original works very early. Kreisler himself liked to play them as encore pieces, sweetening many a concert with such pieces of 'musical confectionary'. The most famous miniatures are undoubtedly 'Love's Joy' and 'Love's Sorrow', two 'old Viennese dance-tunes' in which Kreisler evoked the coffee-house atmosphere of his home town with wonderful melodies and beguiling harmonies. The miniatures are endearing, lively and catchy, yet with an elegiac air - but full of charm and elegance. These magnificent salon pieces are now available in an arrangement for viola and piano by Wolfgang Birtel.

7,50  €
Prazo de entrega: 4–9 dias úteis (Portugal)
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