William A. Penn (* 1943)

A Cornfield in July and the River

LudwigMasters Symphonic Band

W.A. Penn: A Cornfield in July and the , Gesm25Blech (Pa+St) (0)
Voz (media), conjunto de sopros (25 instrumentos)
Tipo de produto:
Partitura, partes
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
8:30 minutos
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:



With music by William Penn and words based on the writings and poetry of Hamlin Garlin, this is a unique and beautiful opportunity to feature a medium voice with wind ensemble (no saxophones, flugelhorns instead of tpts). Sensitive and extremely musical, with nice variety in the various percussion instrument parts, especially, it is a terrific solo vehicle.

112,20  €
Prazo de entrega: 1–2 meses
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W.A. Penn: A Cornfield in July and the R, Gesm25Blech (Part)
William A. Penn

A Cornfield in July and the River

LudwigMasters Symphonic Band

para: Voz (media), conjunto de sopros (25 instrumentos)

Partitura orquestral

№ do artigo: 1815422

37,35  €IVA incl., mais custos de envio
Prazo de entrega: 1–2 meses
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