Gaetano Pugnani (1731 – 1798)

6 Sonatas 2 op. 4

G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 2 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa) (0)G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 2 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa) (1)G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 2 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa) (2)G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 2 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa) (3)G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 2 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa) (4)
2 violinos
Tipo de produto:
Partitura de conjunto
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
36 Páginas
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
IMC 3521


The second volume, containing the final three of six terrific Sonatas for two Violins by Italian composer, Gaetano Pugnani. One of the leading Violinists of the late 18th century, he was a strong and skillful player with a distinctive style and whose talents led to many developments of the bow and advancements in bowing technique that we know today. With great depth and drama, these sonatas reveal Pugnani’s ability at composing music for theViolinand are works that display his brilliance.

25,85  €
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (Portugal)
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G. Pugnani: 6 Sonaten 1 op. 4, 2Vl (Sppa)
Gaetano Pugnani

6 Sonatas 1 op. 4

para: 2 violinos

Partitura de conjunto

№ do artigo: 173626

29,15  €IVA incl., mais custos de envio
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (pt)
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