
Rhythm of the Nations

IPHARADISI (ee pah rah dee see)
Traditional South African Song

Orquestra de sopros; coro ad lib.
Tipo de produto:
Partitura, partes
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
3:30 minutos
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:


This is a fun and rhythmic South African folk song. The arrangement could be performed with or without choir or it could involve members of the band singing. The optional repeats can be used to shorten, extend or add new textures as the conductor sees fit. Sections could also be repeated as many times as desired to allow for extensive hand drumming by the percussion section, members of the band or even selected members of the audience! The choir part is very straight ahead and could be learned and memorized quickly.

94,55  €
Prazo de entrega: 1–2 meses
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