Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

Suite BWV 995 – Vol. 1

Complete Works for Lute transcribed for Guitar

Guitarra acústica
Tipo de produto:
Livro de partituras
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
28 Páginas; 23 × 31 cm
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
CH 389


The works Johann Sebastian Bach devoted to the lute and to the Lautenwerk (BWV 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000 and 1006a) have for a long time now become part of the guitar repertoire and remain a cornerstone in the study programmes of conservatories and of higher academies around the world, recognizing that this music of absolute importance has a very significant weight in the training of today’s musician and guitarist.

The intention of this transcription for guitar is to provide a teaching aid which faithfully reproduces the articulations, slurs, agogics and embellishments present in the manuscripts and at the same time offers advice on how to achieve them and suggests a practical fingering for both hands.

Recursos de segurança e produtos


Ut Orpheus Edizioni Piazza di Porta Ravegnana 1, 40126 Bologna, IT

11,85  €
Prazo de entrega: 2–3 semanas.
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