Gabriel Fauré (1845 – 1924)

Centenary Songbook

15 songs

G. Fauré: Centenary Songbook, GesH (0)G. Fauré: Centenary Songbook, GesH (1)G. Fauré: Centenary Songbook, GesH (2)G. Fauré: Centenary Songbook, GesH (3)
Voz (aguda)
Tipo de produto:
Livro de partituras
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
88 Páginas
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
EP 20001


Gabriel Fauré’s songs are a highlight of the French art song repertoire. To mark the centenary of the composer’s death, Edition Peters is proud to present the Gabriel Fauré Centenary Songbook: a celebratory edition containing 15 of his most beautiful and popular songs. This practical edition is based on the four-volume critical edition Gabriel Fauré – Complete Songs, edited by Roy Howat and Emily Kilpatrick. Short introductory texts to the pieces and translations of the poetic texts help to make this beautiful Romantic-Impressionist song repertoire accessible to all.


  • Mai
  • Lydia
  • Après un rêve
  • Nell
  • Les Berceaux
  • Le Secret
  • Les roses d’Ispahan
  • Clair de lune
  • Mandoline
  • La Lune Blanche
  • Prison
  • Arpège
  • Exaucement
  • Danseuse
  • Diane, Séléné
  • Appendix: Vocalise in F minor

Recursos de segurança e produtos


Faber Peters Music Distribution, Talstr. 10, 04103 Leipzig, DE,

19,95  €
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (Portugal)
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G. Fauré: Centenary Songbook, GesMKlav
Gabriel Fauré

Centenary Songbook

15 songs

para: Voz (media), piano

Livro de partituras

№ do artigo: 1684578

19,95  €IVA incl., mais custos de envio
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (pt)
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