Michael Proksch (* 1958)

Piano Poetry

34 Piano Pieces for All Sides of Life

M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (0)M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (1)M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (2)M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (3)M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (4)M. Proksch: Piano Poetry, Klav (+OnlAudio) (5)

Stilles Leuchten


Cinema Emotions

Tipo de produto:
Livro de partituras, áudio online
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
alemão, inglês
56 Páginas; 23 × 30,5 cm
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
EB 8840


Proksch himself recorded the audio files of all the pieces available in the download area to provide orientation for interpretation.

More and more people are looking for a way to offset the demands of everyday life by making music. Particularly welcome are pieces that often evoke poetic, meditative moods and are good for the soul through their simple harmonies.

The majority of the pieces in this book arose from this premise. They also explore the multi-faceted expressive possibilities of the piano as well: they can convey exuberance, comfort, joy, longing, compassion, mourning, anger and ecstasy, but also mystical moments.

Short programmatic annotations in the musical text, along with the titles and the music on the audiotracks, awaken inner relationships that infuse more spirit into ones playing. And the possibility of expressing feelings while playing can also be a motivation to expand ones own piano-technical resources.


  • Aufsteigend / Ascending
  • Ausbrechen / Break out
  • Behutsam / Cautiously
  • Bitteres Glück / Bitter Happiness
  • Cantabile
  • Cinema Emotions
  • Der Bluese letzter Auftritt / “The Parting with the Blouse” Blues
  • Ein erster Lichtblick / A First Ray of Light
  • Elfen auf Abwegen / Wayward Elves
  • Erik Sahdie Welt einschlafen / Erik Sawdee World Fall Asleep
  • Frag’mental / Argue’mental
  • FreuDich / Feelicitous
  • Frieden schließen / Making Peace
  • Gefährlich sind nur jene Traurigkeiten... / The only Sadnesses that are Dangerous…
  • Gemeinsam einsam / Lonesome Twosome
  • Gänseblümchen / Daisies
  • Im Sog / Sucked in
  • Jetzt wird geHändelt / And Now Let’s Handel
  • Kurzes Innehalten / Brief Pause
  • Melodien finden / Finding Melodies
  • Schleierhaft / Mysteriously
  • Slapstick
  • Stilles Leuchten / Gentle Glow
  • Stolz / Pride
  • Synkopen! / Syncopations!
  • Versonnen / Wistfully
  • Verweilen / Linger
  • WehMut / Dare to Care
  • Winterstarre / Winter Torpor
  • Wunschparade / Wish Parade
  • Wutprobe / Anger Testing
  • Zartes Schwingen / Gentle Swaying
  • Ökos-saise / Eco-ssaise
  • Überwinden / Overcome

Recursos de segurança e produtos


Breitkopf & Härtel, Obere Waldstr. 30, 65232 Taunusstein, DE, kundendienst@breitkopf.de

26,90  €
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (Portugal)
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