Franz Josef Stoiber (* 1959)

Fascination Organ Improvisation

A Study and Practice Book

F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (0)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (1)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (2)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (3)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (4)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (5)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (6)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (7)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (8)F.J. Stoiber: Faszination Orgelimprovisation, Org (9)
Tipo de produto:
Livro didático (com partituras)
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
alemão, inglês
152 Páginas; 23 × 30 cm
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
BA 11241


  • A new approach to organ improvisation
  • Includes many practical exercises and music samples
  • German/English text
  • Spacious attractive layout

Franz Josef Stoiber, organ professor and organist at Regensburg Cathedral, has decided not to present a conventional improvisation tutor here. Instead, he offers a multi-faceted reader and workbook containing useful methodical and pedagogical reflections, e.g. on cultivating a feeling for sound and training responsiveness. It also features a wide range of practical exercises for improvising in various styles, all reflecting his years of experience as a teacher and performer.

This guide to organ improvisation has the potential of becoming a standard work in the training of today’s organists.


  • ​Gedanken zur Methodik und Didaktik / Thoughts on Methodology and Didactics
  • ​1. 'Einfach Spielen' / 'Just Play'
  • ​1.1. Weiße Tasten – schwarze Tasten / White keys – black keys
  • ​1.2. Weitere Anregungen zum 'Einfach spielen' / Further ideas for 'Just play'
  • ​2. Stilbereich 17. / 18. Jahrhundert / Stylistic Period 17th / 18th Century
  • ​2.1. Harmonische und satztechnische Grundlagen / Harmonic and compositional basics
  • ​2.2. Figuration / Figuration
  • ​2.3. Melodie-Lagen: Alt-c.f. / Playing the melody in different voice parts: alto-C.F.
  • ​2.4. Formale Grundlagen / Introduction to musical form
  • ​2.5. Großformen / Large forms
  • ​3. Stilbereich 19. Jahrhundert / Stylistic Period 19th Century
  • ​3.1 Harmonische Grundlagen / Harmonic basics
  • ​3.2 Formale Grundlagen / Introduction to musical form
  • ​4. Stilbereich 20. / 21. Jahrhundert / Stylistic Period 20th / 21th Century
  • ​4.1. Postromantik – Impressionismus / Post-Romanticism – Impressionism
  • ​4.2. Olivier Messiaen / Olivier Messiaen
  • ​4.3. Deutsche Moderne (Hindemith, Genzmer, Schroeder) – Neomodalität / German Modernism (Hindemith, Genzmer, Schroeder) – Neomodality
  • ​4.4. Themen für die Improvisation / Improvisation themes
  • ​4.5. Improvisation mit freitonalen Themen / Improvisation on free-tonal themes

Recursos de segurança e produtos


Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Schütz-Allee 35-37, 34131 Kassel, DE,

54,00  €
Em estoque. Prazo de entrega: 3–8 dias úteis (Portugal)
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