Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

Six Partitas BWV 825–83

First Part of the Clavier Übung
Bärenreiter Urtext

J.S. Bach: Sechs Partiten BWV 825-830, Cemb/Klav (0)J.S. Bach: Sechs Partiten BWV 825-830, Cemb/Klav (1)J.S. Bach: Sechs Partiten BWV 825-830, Cemb/Klav (2)J.S. Bach: Sechs Partiten BWV 825-830, Cemb/Klav (3)J.S. Bach: Sechs Partiten BWV 825-830, Cemb/Klav (4)
Cravo [piano]
Livro de partituras (Urtext)
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
113 Páginas; 23 × 30 cm
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:
BA 5152


  • Urtext from the “New Bach Edition”
  • Extensive edition of Bach’s keyboard partitas with numerous facsimiles
  • Information on playing technique from Bach’s circle of pupils
  • Preface (Ger/Eng) on the composition of the work, performance practice and sources
  • Also available in an edition with fingerings

ohann Sebastian Bach’s ‘six partitas’ BWV 825–830 represent the pinnacle of his keyboard suites. In the search for the greatest variety of stylistic and compositional techniques, the collection shows itself to have the status of a ‘musical art book’. In keeping with this, Bach had these most prestigious works printed at his own expense as Part I of the ‘Clavier Übung ’.

This expanded new edition takes into consideration not only the revised main text of the ‘six partitas’ but also, for the first time evaluates printed copies known to have been used by Bach and his closest circle and copies made by his circle of pupils.

These include annotations on ornamentation and valuable hints on performance practice which are invaluable for present-day musicians. This is the first extensive edition to take all existing sources into account. The editor is the British musicologist Richard Douglas Jones, well-known for his numerous discoveries and publications on Bach.

Bach’s Six Partitas are also published in an edition with fingerings by the renowned Bach interpreter Ragna Schirmer .


  • ​Preface
  • ​Vorwort
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Einzeldruck (1726) der Partita 1, Titelseite / Separate print (1726) of Partita 1, title page
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Einzeldruck (1727) der Partita 2, Titelseite / Separate print (1727) of Partita 2, title page
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Originaldruck von 1731, Titelseite / Original print of 1731, title page
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Verzierungstabelle in Bachs Handschrift / Table of ornaments in Bach's hand
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Originaldruck von 1731, Sarabande der Partita 3 / Original print of 1731, Sarabande from Partita 3
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Originaldruck von 1731, Beginn der Partita 5 / Original print of 1731, opening of Partita 5
  • ​Partita 1, BWV 825
  • ​Partita 2, BWV 823
  • ​Partita 3, BWV 827
  • ​Partita 4, BWV 828
  • ​Partita 5, BWV 829
  • ​Partita 6, BWV 830
  • ​Anhang I: Verzierte Fassungen / Appendix I: Ornamented versions:
  • ​Partita 1, Sarabande, BWV 825-4, Nach Quelle G 26 / According to source G 26
  • ​Partita 1, Menuet 2, BWV 825-6, Nach Quelle G 26 / According to source G 26
  • ​Partita 2, Sinfonia, BWV 826-1, Nach Quelle H 20 / According to source H 20
  • ​Partita 2, BWV 826, Nach den Quellen G 25, 26 und 28 / According to sources G 25, 26 and 28
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Sinfonia, T. 17-30, aus dem Originaldruck von 1731 (Quelle G 25) / Sinfonia, bb. 17-30, from the original print of 1731 (source G 25)
  • ​Partita 4, Courante, BWV 828-3, Nach Quelle G 26 / According to source G 26
  • ​Partita 5, Sarabande, BWV 829-4, Nach den Quellen G 26 und H 20 / According to sources G 26 und H 20
  • ​Anhang II / Appendix II:
  • ​Partita 3, Gigue, BWV 827-7, Variantenfassung nach Quelle G 25 / Variant version according to source G 25
  • ​Faksimile / Facsimile: Gigue, T. 25-50, aus dem Originaldruck von 1731 (Quelle G 25) / Gigue, bb. 25-50, from the original print of 1731 (source G 25)
  • ​Annotations to the music text
  • ​Anmerkungen zum Notentext
22,95  €
Prazo de entrega: 4–9 dias úteis (Portugal)
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