Otto M. Schwarz (* 1967), Leonhard Paul (* 1967)

Doobidoo for Christmas

10 Original Pieces for Eb Alto Saxophone & Piano

Saxofone alto, piano
Tipo de produto:
Partitura de piano, parte solista
№ do artigo:
Autor / Compositor:
44 Páginas
Ano de publicação:
Editora / Fabricante:
N.º do fabricante:


The “Doobidoo for Christmas” books are the result of a collaboration between the composer Otto M. Schwarz and the trombonist and composer Leonhard Paul. Leonhard Paul is known the world over as one of the creative minds behind the ensemble Mnozil Brass. He studied music pedagogy and jazz and is now a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW). These books are containing works (Solo Instrument and Piano Accompaniment) in various styles, often equipped with ironic instructions.


  • Christmas Bells Swing [Otto M. Schwarz]
  • One More Sleep Till Christmas [Leonhard Paul]
  • In The Warm Winter [Otto M. Schwarz]
  • Pink Santa [Leonhard Paul]
  • Thoughts In The Silent Night [Otto M. Schwarz]
  • Es Hat Sich Halt Eröffnet [Leonhard Paul]
  • Sugar & Cinnamon [Leonhard Paul]
  • Santa Claus Is Racing To Town [Otto M. Schwarz]
  • No Need Xmas [Leonhard Paul]
  • Silent Again [Otto M. Schwarz]
22,99  €
Prazo de entrega: 2–3 semanas.
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